Teodora Gheorghiu – Arias for Anna De Amicis

Teodora Gheorghiu – Arias for Anna De Amicis (2011) [24B-44.1kHz]

Year Of Release:2011
Total Time:01:20:32
Total Size:770 MB


罗马尼亚女高音歌唱家Teodora Gheorghiu显然与歌剧明星Angela Gheorghiu是朋友,但与她并无血缘关系,然而这张专辑表明她也应像她的同胞一样闻名遐迩。在Harmonia Mundi的这张唱片中,她选择了一个鲜少有其他歌手尝试的曲目:相当于巴洛克时期炫技性(或女性炫技性)咏叹调的古典时期作品集,即使是知名歌手也多有尝试。专辑中所有音乐都是为那不勒斯出生的歌手Anna de Amicis(全名Anna-Lucia de Amicis-Buonosolazzi)而作。这里有一些真正的珍品,包括约瑟夫·米斯利维切克(Josef Myslivecek)1773年歌剧《罗莫洛与厄西莉亚》(Romolo ed Ersilia)中的“Sorprender mi vorresti”,其风格接近莫扎特且充满炫技性。米斯利维切克主要以器乐作品闻名。你可以仅因专辑中收录的16岁莫扎特创作的《卢齐奥·西拉》(Lucio Silla)中的四首选段而选择这张专辑。这部作品创作于莫扎特的意大利之旅期间,直到de Amicis抵达米兰后才得以演出。Gheorghiu对格鲁克(Gluck)、年轻的莫扎特和尼科洛·约梅利(Nicolò Jommelli)音乐中新的自由风格有着真切的感受,她自然且富有戏剧性地演绎歌词。在几乎无人知晓的帕斯夸莱·卡法罗(Pasquale Cafaro)创作的“E frat tante tempest … Se balena”中,她能够应对古典曲目中最困难的长咏叹调之一。但Gheorghiu的出色之处不仅在于极限表现:她的中音区有一种不可思议的潜在力量,她未经装饰的旋律线条极具音乐性。由Christophe Rousset指挥的历史乐器乐团Les Talens Lyriques为Gheorghiu提供了堪称完美的支持,其平滑而富有力度的弦乐与她的声音相得益彰。试听并享受吧。——詹姆斯·曼恩

Romanian soprano Teodora Gheorghiu is apparently a friend of, but unrelated to, opera star Angela Gheorghiu, but this release suggests she deserves to be as well known as her compatriot. On this Harmonia Mundi release she chooses a program that few other singers have attempted: a Classical-period equivalent to the collections of virtuoso (or virtuosa) Baroque arias that even big-name singers have essayed. All of the music was composed for Neapolitan-born singer Anna de Amicis, in full Anna-Lucia de Amicis-Buonosolazzi. There are some real finds here, including the Mozartian style and sheer acrobatics of the aria “Sorprender mi vorresti” from the 1773 opera Romolo ed Ersilia by Josef Myslivecek, otherwise known largely for his instrumental music. You could choose this album purely for the four selections from the rarely performed Lucio Silla by the 16-year-old Mozart, written during the composer’s Italian sojourn and delayed until de Amicis arrived in Milan. Gheorghiu has a real feeling for the new freedom in the music of Gluck, the young Mozart, and Nicolò Jommelli, delivering the words naturally and dramatically. In the blistering “E frat tante tempest … Se balena” by the virtually unknown Pasquale Cafaro, she is equal to some of the most difficult long arias in the Classical repertory. But it is not just in the extremes where Gheorghiu excels: the middle of her range has an uncanny sense of power in reserve, and her unornamented melodic lines are deeply musical. The support Gheorghiu receives from the historical-instrument group Les Talens Lyriques under Christophe Rousset is nothing short of ideal, with the smooth yet tough strings complementing her voice beautifully. Sample and enjoy. — James Manheim


01. Miser’Armida… Odio, furor, dispetto
02. Vanne. T’affretta… Ah se il crudel
03. In un istante… Parto, m’affretto
04. Sposo… mia vita… Fra i pensier
05. Dalla sponda tenebrosa
06. Qual vita è questa mai… Che fiero momento
07. Tanto avvezza alle sventure
08. Sorprender mi vorresti
09. Basta così vincesti
10. Tortorella abbandonata
11. Mentre volgo intorno il piede
12. E fra tante tempeste… Se balena




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