Vannina Santoni – Par amour

Vannina Santoni – Par amour (2025) [24B-96kHz]

Year Of Release:2025
Total Time:01:08:30
Total Size:1.11 gb
Label:Alpha Classics


爱情是贯穿女高音Vannina Santoni首次录制的独奏会的共同主线;这也是一个机会,可以通过她的领导角色,与她最喜欢的音乐家一起回顾她15年的职业生涯。在里尔和魁北克国家管弦乐队指挥让-玛丽·泽图尼的帮助下,她用性感的声音为著名的歌剧院服务,这些歌剧院以古诺、马塞内特、普契尼(’o Mio Babbino Caro’)、卡塔利尼(’ne Andrò’来自拉沃利)和威尔第(Desdemona’s point’ave Maria’来自奥泰罗)的爱情英雄为特色。该节目还包括佛朗哥·阿尔法诺(Franco Alfano)受托尔斯泰(Tolstoy)启发的歌剧《Risurrezione》(1904年)的一首罕见但崇高的咏叹调,以及马塞内特·马农(Massenet’s Manon)与男高音朱利安·德兰(Julien Dran)的精彩《圣苏尔皮斯》(Saint Sulpice)。最后,Vannina Santoni通过一个新的摇摆乐队“O Ciucciarella”向她的科西嘉根致敬,科西嘉母亲几代人都在为他们的孩子唱歌。

Love is the common thread running through this first recorded recital by soprano Vannina Santoni; it’s also an opportunity to look back over her fifteen-year career, through her leading roles, alongside her favourite musicians. With the help of the Orchestre National de Lille and Quebecois conductor Jean-Marie Zeitouni, she places her sensual voice at the service of famous operatic arias featuring the amorous heroines of Gounod, Massenet, Puccini (‘O mio babbino caro’), Catalini (‘Ne andrò’ from La Wally) and Verdi (Desdemona’s poignant ‘Ave Maria’ from Otello). The programme also includes a rare but sublime aria from Franco Alfano’s Tolstoy-inspired opera Risurrezione (1904), as well as the magnificent ‘Saint-Sulpice’ duet from Massenet’s Manon, with tenor Julien Dran. Finally, Vannina Santoni pays homage to her Corsican roots with a new orchestration of the lullaby ‘O Ciucciarella’ that Corsican mothers have sung to their children for generations.


01. Risurrezione, Act II: Giunge il treno… Dio pietoso
02. La Wally, Act I: Ebben? Ne andrò lontana
03. Roméo et Juliette, CG 9, Act I: Ah! Je veux vivre
04. Roméo et Juliette, CG 9, Act II: Entracte
05. Manon, Act III: Toi ! Vous ! – Oui, c’est moi !
06. Manon, Act II: Prélude
07. Manon, Act II: Allons, il le faut… Adieu, notre petite table
08. Otello, Act IV: Era più calmo?… Ave Maria…
09. Gianni Schicchi: O moi babbino caro
10. Le Villi, Act I: Se come voi piccina io fossi
11. Thaïs, Act II: Ah ! Je suis seule… Dis-moi que je suis belle
12. Six mélodies populaires corses: No. 1, O ciucciarella




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